How would you like to support the Rotary Club of Fair Oaks with it's mission to help our local and international communities without it costing you anything?
Well if you purchase items from Amazon, a portion of the proceeds will be contirbuted to the Fair Oaks Rotary Foundation if you sign up for the AmazonSmile program.
Here are the details:
  • Amazon donates 0.5% of purchase price to Fair Oak Rotary Foundation
  • Donations based on purchases people in our community are already making Purchasers need an account with Amazon
  • To sign up go to website:
How to sign up:
  1. Go to website:
  2. Sign in to your Amazon Account
  3. You will be asked to select an Charity
  4. Select "FAIR OAKS ROTARY FOUNDATION INC" click "Select"
In the future, simply log in using and purchase as you normally.
Thanks for supporting the Rotary Club of Fair Oaks.
If you decide to change Charities, click on Supporting and change.